 | | Re: Falsification or unreleased
| (...) Hoax, I say. And a darned cool one! (of course, LEGO sets aren't exactly my area of expertise...) Dave! (18 years ago, 8-Oct-06, to lugnet.western)
| |  | | Falsification or unreleased
| I'm sorry if this is old news but... While browsing Brickshelf this evening I stumbled upon these two Western sets I've never seen before, 6758 and 6776: (URL) this just a hoax or is it unreleased official LEGO sets? (18 years ago, 8-Oct-06, to lugnet.western) !
| |  | | Cthulego - The Burrower Brickneath.
| Hi, this is my new Cthulego diorama. It was going to be unveiled exclusively at Legoworld this year, but due to a change in circumstances I'm not sure how much of the event (if any) I will be present for or for that matter when after next Friday I (...) (19 years ago, 24-Sep-06, to lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.adventurers, lugnet.western, FTX) !!
| |  | | Re: Lego Brokeback Mountain
| (...) Jonah Goldberg mentioned this today on National Review Online's blog, (URL) The Corner>. Marc Nelson Jr. (URL) Marc's Creations>> (19 years ago, 22-Feb-06, to lugnet.western, lugnet.mediawatch, FTX)
| |  | | Re: Lego Brokeback Mountain
| (...) Oh, that is good stuff. You really captured some of the better scenes of the movie. I want to see the 70's Texan ranch though. That would be fantastic. Jeff (19 years ago, 19-Feb-06, to lugnet.western, FTX)
| |  | | Re: Lego Brokeback Mountain
| How could you have not gone with Brokebrick Mountain?! :) I haven't seen the movie, so I can't comment on how well these scenes capture the feel of the movie, but there's some nice elements here. I like the use of the new studless trans-orange 1x1 (...) (19 years ago, 19-Feb-06, to lugnet.western, FTX)
| |  | | "He who walks behind the rows..."
| Just finished reading Children of the Corn. Thought it needed a vignette: (URL) The whole corny gallery (with other assorted vignettes): (URL) Steve (19 years ago, 25-Jan-06, to lugnet.build.vignette, lugnet.town, lugnet.western, lugnet.castle, lugnet.adventurers)
| |  | | "Auld lang sine..."
| "Should old acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to mind; Should old acquaintance be forgot, And days of old lang syne. We two have run about the hills, And pulled the daisies fine. We've wandered many a weary foot, Since old lang syne. We two (...) (19 years ago, 30-Dec-05, to lugnet.build.vignette, lugnet.town, lugnet.adventurers, lugnet.western, lugnet.general)
| |  | | "St. Peter don't you call me, 'cause I can't go..."
| Gather 'round ladies and gentlemen and we take another look to the world beyond the grave... The realm of the spirits... where the dead don't rest quietly... (URL) OK, so it didn't need the dramatic introduction... but guess Joe Vig never heard, you (...) (19 years ago, 22-Dec-05, to lugnet.build.vignette, lugnet.town, lugnet.castle, lugnet.adventurers, lugnet.western)
| |  | | Christmas Greetings
| Its time for my annual virtual Christmas Card: (URL) (19 years ago, 17-Dec-05, to lugnet.general, lugnet.build.vignette, lugnet.adventurers, lugnet.town, lugnet.western)
| |  | | Another offer from JJ's: escritoire & iron stove
| Hello! Here are an escritoire (actually I don't know exactly how this kind of furniture is called in English): (URL) me, I'm a link!>> and an iron stove: (URL) me, I'm a link!>> I just intended to build the stove for a different purpose but when I (...) (20 years ago, 20-Sep-05, to lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.build, lugnet.build.vignette, lugnet.western, FTX) !!
| |  | | Other Historical MOCs at NWBrickCon
| I'm posting on behalf of Jon Rasmussen, the Other Historical Coordinator for NWBrickCon 2005, who currently doesn't have access to the Internet[1]. If you'd like to bring a MOC featuring anything from the past that isn't Castle[2], let us know! We (...) (20 years ago, 19-Sep-05, to lugnet.events.nwbrickcon, lugnet.adventurers, lugnet.castle.ninja, lugnet.pirates, lugnet.western, lugnet.build.ancient) !
| |  | | Brick Junction Expand...
| The citizens of my tiny little Sierra Nevada town needed to tend to their spiritual needs. So a preacher moved in and soon a nice little church, complete with cemetary, was seen on the street: (URL) The whole spiritual gallery: (URL) Steve (20 years ago, 15-Sep-05, to lugnet.western, lugnet.town, lugnet.trains)
| |  | | The Beginnings of a Wild West Town
| (URL) Not much to it yet. I modified the blue building a bit since the last time I posted it. Neither of them open. I didn't have the tiles or the plates to make floors and roofs that could lift off. Maybe some of the other ones will be able to. (...) (20 years ago, 14-Sep-05, to lugnet.western, lugnet.town, lugnet.trains)
| |  | | "Alright, Stranger. Draw!"
| (3 URLs) The whole "shootin' gallery": (URL) Steve (20 years ago, 1-Sep-05, to lugnet.build.vignette, lugnet.western)
| |  | | Re: A Rootin' Tootin' High-falootin' MOC
| (...) Steve, The SPLTC did a western layout last year, if you want some ideas. (URL) Mat (20 years ago, 18-Aug-05, to lugnet.western)
| |  | | Re: A Rootin' Tootin' High-falootin' MOC
| (...) ggrrr ... Haha. I was about to post asking why this was in space! hahaha. Anyways, I like the general look the store. I'd love to see the finished town. -Lenny (20 years ago, 18-Aug-05, to lugnet.western, lugnet.build, lugnet.trains, lugnet.space, lugnet.adventurers)
| |  | | Re: A Rootin' Tootin' High-falootin' MOC
| (...) I always thought Western town was a theme sorely neglected by AFOLs Look forward to the station! (thats what you get for posting to trains1) Tim (20 years ago, 18-Aug-05, to lugnet.western, lugnet.build, lugnet.trains, lugnet.adventurers)
| |  | | A Rootin' Tootin' High-falootin' MOC
| (URL) The first in a new project, I'm starting. There are so many people making Medieval villages, and modern cities. And since I'm living in a wild west town now, I thought I'd try my hand with a western town. I hope to have a whole little town set (...) (20 years ago, 18-Aug-05, to lugnet.western, lugnet.build, lugnet.trains, lugnet.space, lugnet.adventurers)
| |  | | Announcing NWBrickCon 2005 Theme Coordinators
| NWBrickCon 2005 is coming up on October 7--9 in Seattle. Registration is possible at (URL) September 9. If you plan to display MOCs or other displays, or have any related questions, please contact the appropriate coordinator (preferably by October (...) (20 years ago, 15-Aug-05, to lugnet.events.nwbrickcon, lugnet.announce, lugnet.build.ancient, lugnet.build.mecha, lugnet.build.mosaic, lugnet.build.sculpture, lugnet.build.microscale, lugnet.castle, lugnet.pirates, lugnet.space, lugnet.starwars, lugnet.technic, lugnet.technic.bionicle, lugnet.town, lugnet.trains, lugnet.western) !!
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