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 Trains / Train Organizations / 604
  Re: GMLTC at the Kidvention Update
(...) I was taking our 9-3 based on what Heidi Bailey told me the entire display would be open. Have you checked it out? I don't know if there are reasons that they put us down for only those times or not. Just something to consider. I know with the (...) (24 years ago, 27-Jun-00, to
  Re: GMLTC at the Kidvention Update
(...) Based on my visit to the park last August, the first hour or two (9-11AM) can be slow times - I'd "center" the schedule more to be 10AM - 8PM or somesuch if possible. (Sorry for the slow response, I'm on vacation). Steve [GMLTC] (24 years ago, 5-Jul-00, to

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