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 Trains / Train Organizations / 2204
2203  |  2205
Re: Ambassador Cars, 8 wide style
Mon, 9 Dec 2002 23:26:34 GMT
167 times
In lugnet.trains, Larry Pieniazek writes:
In, John Neal writes:
Here are some pictures of the GMLTC/TCLTC new ambassador cars-- I think you'll
see why we didn't want you all sending us your containers!

Ya, they'd show how out of proportion your cars are. :-)

These are just some quick shots from the show; I'll post more detailed pics of
the actual cars themselves later (when I take them;-)

Do you have a prototype ref for those blue/red BN heralds? As I understood
it, those are used by the trucking company (subsidiary? not sure) rather
than the railroad, which tended to use white, cascade green or black.

A very good one, in fact:

Interestingly, at our show this weekend, we saw these very cars out of the
window all day!

This also was my first foray into the world of sticker production--
I can share my experience if anyone is interested.

Please do! What did you find unusual or difficult about it?

Well, I'm still experimenting, but I have to say that, so far, it has been
pretty straight forward.  The ones you see are plain ol' Avery clear labels
made for inkjet printers.  For a white background application, they seem to
work out just fine.  I used a fixant to cut down on smearing; I think it helped
a little bit.  I also tried some clear decals by Hammermill (also for white
background applications).  I found I got air bubbles with these when trying to
adhere to a larger area (they are static cling and no adhesive).  But adherance
of the ink to the decal was excellent and no fixant was required.

For dark backgrounds, I will use white sticker paper and simply trim.  This
works fine for shapes that are easy to trim only, though...

I was pretty impressed by the overall quality of stickers, although I still
need to experiment with white printing and all.  Ross used Microscale decals
for his BN GP50, and while that probably still *looks* the best, it is rather
fragile and costly (One of the decals has already torn because of some
unauthorized handling by the GP-- the first club members to show up Sunday
morning found some kids already running our trains on the layout:-/)

More as I experiment more.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Ambassador Cars, 8 wide style
(...) Ya, they'd show how out of proportion your cars are. :-) (...) Do you have a prototype ref for those blue/red BN heralds? As I understood it, those are used by the trucking company (subsidiary? not sure) rather than the railroad, which tended (...) (22 years ago, 9-Dec-02, to lugnet.trains,

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