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Re: Ambassador Cars, 8 wide style
Mon, 9 Dec 2002 23:02:29 GMT
171 times
In, John Neal writes:
Here are some pictures of the GMLTC/TCLTC new ambassador cars-- I think you'll
see why we didn't want you all sending us your containers!

Ya, they'd show how out of proportion your cars are. :-)

These are just some quick shots from the show; I'll post more detailed pics of
the actual cars themselves later (when I take them;-)

Do you have a prototype ref for those blue/red BN heralds? As I understood
it, those are used by the trucking company (subsidiary? not sure) rather
than the railroad, which tended to use white, cascade green or black.

This also was my first foray into the world of sticker production--
I can share my experience if anyone is interested.

Please do! What did you find unusual or difficult about it?

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Ambassador Cars, 8 wide style
(...) A very good one, in fact: (URL) at our show this weekend, we saw these very cars out of the window all day! (...) Well, I'm still experimenting, but I have to say that, so far, it has been pretty straight forward. The ones you see are plain (...) (22 years ago, 9-Dec-02, to lugnet.trains,

Message is in Reply To:
  Ambassador Cars, 8 wide style
Here are some pictures of the GMLTC/TCLTC new ambassador cars-- I think you'll see why we didn't want you all sending us your containers! (URL) are just some quick shots from the show; I'll post more detailed pics of the actual cars themselves later (...) (22 years ago, 9-Dec-02, to lugnet.trains,

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