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 Trains / Train Organizations / 155
  Re: 1st Annual International LEGO Train Conference
(...) I'd attend. Likely drag my wife with me, but might not due to costs. (this dammed island is so expensive to get off of!) (...) Advantage...LLC (...) Not so likely. No 'home' group to organize I'd think either twin cities or LLC or NMRA (...) (25 years ago, 12-Nov-99, to
  Re: 1st Annual International LEGO Train Conference
(...) James makes a good point. It would be nice to have a "host" group in situ. Here is my concern doing it in LL San Diego: we all would want to go there instead of our own thing! BTW, how long of an event are we talking here? A long weekend? A (...) (25 years ago, 12-Nov-99, to

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