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Re: Woohoo!! Long Live Lego Trains!!
Thu, 11 Jan 2001 17:55:53 GMT
820 times
In lugnet.trains, Eric Brok writes:
Looking at what Playmobil did some years ago, a likely 'major change' of
Trains is replacing the expensive metal tracks by plastic track (like Duplo
train) and have the trains battery-powered & radio-controlled.


I fear this sound quite probable, but I really do hope this is not the bright
future of our train line. :-(


P.s.: I do not wish to get DCC in the first line, I just would beg TLC to bring
out more realistical looking stuff and less town junior. I would like to see
trains like the star wars stuff: cool colours, lots of oldfashioned bricks, no
(new) BURP-like parts.
The only new part I really want to see is a wheel set with big spoked wheels
for steam engines (best would be wheels to attach to teeeachnic axles)!

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Woohoo!! Long Live Lego Trains!!
Looking at what Playmobil did some years ago, a likely 'major change' of Trains is replacing the expensive metal tracks by plastic track (like Duplo train) and have the trains battery-powered & radio-controlled. Eric (24 years ago, 11-Jan-01, to lugnet.trains)

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