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Re: My Change Of Heart (I'm Back!)
Thu, 30 Nov 2000 22:58:06 GMT
770 times
In lugnet.trains, Harvey Henkelman writes:
Hello everyone, I've recently gone through a radical change of career plans.
I've passed the Railroad Institute entrance exam, as a result, I've
cancelled my date with Uncle Sam (the Navy). Also, I've reawakened from my
LEGO dark ages and have boldly decided to take up the brick once more (I was
miserable without my LEGO trains). I'm glad to have returned to the LUGNET
                -Harvey Henkelman

Welcome back.

I take it you're not going to be undertaking any battleship models any time
soon, then? LFB will be disappointed, I'm sure.


Message is in Reply To:
  My Change Of Heart (I'm Back!)
Hello everyone, I've recently gone through a radical change of career plans. I've passed the Railroad Institute entrance exam, as a result, I've cancelled my date with Uncle Sam (the Navy). Also, I've reawakened from my LEGO dark ages and have (...) (24 years ago, 30-Nov-00, to lugnet.trains)

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