Re: My Change Of Heart (I'm Back!)
Thu, 30 Nov 2000 22:58:06 GMT
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In lugnet.trains, Harvey Henkelman writes:
> Hello everyone, I've recently gone through a radical change of career plans.
> I've passed the Railroad Institute entrance exam, as a result, I've
> cancelled my date with Uncle Sam (the Navy). Also, I've reawakened from my
> LEGO dark ages and have boldly decided to take up the brick once more (I was
> miserable without my LEGO trains). I'm glad to have returned to the LUGNET
> community.
> -Harvey Henkelman
Welcome back.
I take it you're not going to be undertaking any battleship models any time
soon, then? LFB will be disappointed, I'm sure.
Message is in Reply To:
| | My Change Of Heart (I'm Back!)
| Hello everyone, I've recently gone through a radical change of career plans. I've passed the Railroad Institute entrance exam, as a result, I've cancelled my date with Uncle Sam (the Navy). Also, I've reawakened from my LEGO dark ages and have (...) (24 years ago, 30-Nov-00, to lugnet.trains)
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