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Re: Big Red 8
Newsgroups:, lugnet.trains,
Thu, 28 Sep 2000 23:49:10 GMT
48 times
The Chessie engine and caboose were built by Steve Barile, really great models.

What was the "Chelsie" modeled after?  I thought it was the best one there.
Sorry - Big Red 8 doesn't really count, since it's in a different class.
If my layout is N-scale, a beautiful HO-scale doesn't do me much good.
Michel - who did you get it from?  He's another LUGNet train nut right?
I'm hoping he either has a DAT file for it, or it's OK with him and you
that I borrow yours and make a copy of it - in red for CP if that is
a model of engine that they use (or used).  I confess my train knowledge
is quite limited compared to many here, but I know what I like.  :-)


Message is in Reply To:
  Big Red 8 (was Re: NALUG takes 2nd at Great Edmonton Train Show)
(...) I can just imagine your chest swelling whilst over-hearing that... :-) (...) What was the "Chelsie" modeled after? I thought it was the best one there. Sorry - Big Red 8 doesn't really count, since it's in a different class. If my layout is (...) (24 years ago, 28-Sep-00, to, lugnet.trains,

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