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Re: LEGO Shelf Railway - Take 2.
Tue, 26 Sep 2000 22:21:08 GMT
1223 times
I got to see this in person and it is just one of those things that make you
stand there for 10 or 15 minutes wondering how you can talk your wife into
letting you do this in your house! It truely is just soooo cool!

In lugnet.general, Eric Kingsley writes:
I realize that I announced this once before but that was a more limited
announcement as the Shelf Railway was not quite complete.

Anyway I have now applied the final coat of paint to the shelf that
supports our LEGO Shelf Railway and I slightly altered the track layout so I
could incorporate my Town into the layout on a larger portion of shelf.

You will notice I got into a rut on 40' Box Cars :-).  I am waiting on parts • so
I can do a tanker but in general I am planning on adding variety to my rolling
stock soon.

If anyone has questions please post them and I will get to them eventually.

If you have the space and resources this is a project I highly recommend.  I
can sit for hours and just watch the train go round.  I love it.

Eric Kingsley

The New England LEGO Users Group

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LEGO Shelf Railway - Take 2.
(...) Yes, it is trey cool, Eric! You did a very nice job. Makes me kinda wish my kids were just babies again.....not;-) -John (...) (24 years ago, 27-Sep-00, to lugnet.trains)

Message is in Reply To:
  LEGO Shelf Railway - Take 2.
I realize that I announced this once before but that was a more limited announcement as the Shelf Railway was not quite complete. Anyway I have now applied the final coat of paint to the shelf that supports our LEGO Shelf Railway and I slightly (...) (24 years ago, 25-Sep-00, to lugnet.general,, lugnet.trains) ! 

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