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Re: PNLTC Presents a Guinness World Record LEGO Train Track Display
lugnet.trains, lugnet.announce,
Thu, 17 Aug 2000 04:44:09 GMT
3452 times
You asked for pictures--you get pictures. The "train geeks"
have done it again--this time you'll be able to watch the show
"live" on the web. Point your browsers to and bookmark the site,
then check back whenever you get urge to know what's

Also, plans are being made to release a CD-ROM of the
event with tons of video, stills, and supporting materials.

Watch this space for more information.


PS: Thanks for the complement.

Once again, the PNTLC, the premier LEGO Train Club, does things bigger and

Way to go PNTLC!  Hope everthing goes smoothly this weekend, all us "train
geeks" are looking forward to pictures - and video!


In lugnet.announce, Dwayne Towell writes:
The Pacific Northwest LEGO Train Club presents a Guinness world record
LEGO train track display at the Center House in Seattle Washington.

The show is open to the public on Friday and Saturday, August 18 and 19,
from 10am to 8pm, and on Sunday from 10am to 2pm.

The official record attempts and a press meeting, will begin at noon on

Any LUG or LTC member willing to help with crowd control, setup, • operation,
etc. etc. is invited to attend and help out. The building will be open • from
9am to 9pm each day of the event and on Thursday the 17th. Please check • in
with a PNLTC member when you arrive.

Dwayne Towell
PNLTC Member

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: PNLTC Presents a Guinness World Record LEGO Train Track Display
Once again, the PNTLC, the premier LEGO Train Club, does things bigger and better... Way to go PNTLC! Hope everthing goes smoothly this weekend, all us "train geeks" are looking forward to pictures - and video! JohnG, GMLTC (...) (25 years ago, 16-Aug-00, to lugnet.trains)

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