Re: PNLTC Presents a Guinness World Record LEGO Train Track Display
Fri, 18 Aug 2000 18:45:42 GMT
1979 times
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One small 'nit' to pick: That's not a "suspension" bridge, it's actually
a "cable-stayed" bridge. Similar idea, but different implementations. A true
suspension bridge would have two (or four) main cables, with
vertical 'suspenders' between the main cables and the bridge deck. (I had to
check with a friend of mine who designs bridges for a living...)
Yea, I'm a geek -- I know... <grin>
It's certainly an impressive bridge - that has to be one of the longest, if
not THE longest, LEGO bridge I've ever seen!
JohnG, GMLTC - our longest bridge was about 2 feet!
In, Scott Smallbeck writes:
> In, Reinhard "Ben" Beneke writes:
> >
> > Cool layout! How long is that SNAP bridge from pillar to pillar?
> >
> > Ben
> The ZNAP bridge is 22 feet long and is a true suspension bridge. The end
> pieces are weighted with 20 pounds of pennies each! A big WOW to Wayne for
> building this monster!
> _ _
> Scott Smallbeck
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