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New: TEE Observation Car for 7740/DB103 Passenger Train
Fri, 19 May 2000 01:01:23 GMT
773 times
I've tried to make a likeness of a TEE (Trans European Express?) observation
car to complement the 7740 passenger train set pulled by a likeness of the
German DB103 (my version 2) electric locomotive.

The observation car uses 1/4-circle curved-top "Paradisia" trans-clear window
wall "corners".  (wheh! you'll know what I mean when you see them.)  I used
four of these elements on their sides and in oposite directions to make the
observation window covering.

Personally, I think this observation car looks a little dispropotionate, but I
like the effect of the "bubble dome", so I think I'll keep it.

See version 2 (slight cosmetic change) of the DB103 and the new Observation Car


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: New: TEE Observation Car for 7740/DB103 Passenger Train
(...) Car (...) James,another beautiful model! I tought many times about building a TEE train (8wide,of course),but I haven't windows enough! What about using 2x4x2 (or 2x6x2) windscreens,instead of Paradisa corner windows? And just one more (...) (25 years ago, 19-May-00, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: New: TEE Observation Car for 7740/DB103 Passenger Train
(...) To James Mathis, After buying some train stickers on Ebay, with Panoramawagen included . I have wanted to build a 7740 Dome car of my own . So I went to have a look at your 7740 Dome car on Brickshelf, for inspiration. But I can't view the (...) (21 years ago, 3-Oct-03, to lugnet.trains)

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