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Re: PCC Street Cars and NJT PATH Train
Thu, 16 Sep 2010 14:22:54 GMT
23730 times
In lugnet.trains, Timothy Gould wrote:

   Hehehe. John has Facebook. Well I never!

Are you sitting down? A friend even talked me into signing up for Twitter! Relax, though; I’ve never been to the Twitter site since then:-)

I don’t actually use FB that often, either (Maybe once or twice a week)

   I mean the gibberish in the center of the page, not the gibberish in the ads.


   All the status updates, who is ‘friends’ with who, and occassionally something ‘useful’ like a picture of a tram. Ummm... I’ve never really understood how the FB gibberish page works other than that it makes some pitiful and largely unsuccesful attempt to keep it recent and that it can’t decide if it’s running on my local timezone or the server timezone. Neither of which help much.

Or in summary: I have Jonathan as a FB friend and at some point I saw his two LEGO trolleys pop up in the gibberish which I promptly checked out.

Well, there’s the answer: Jonathan is your friend and he posted a notice of it on FB. Now that makes sense. I seriously thought that somehow a FB bot directed a paid advertisement from MOCPages to your page or something Orwellian like that! LOL

   Clear as mud?

Not at all!


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: PCC Street Cars and NJT PATH Train
(...) Hehehe. John has Facebook. Well I never! I mean the gibberish in the center of the page, not the gibberish in the ads. All the status updates, who is 'friends' with who, and occassionally something 'useful' like a picture of a tram. Ummm... (...) (14 years ago, 15-Sep-10, to lugnet.trains, FTX)

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