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Re: PCC Street Cars and NJT PATH Train
Wed, 15 Sep 2010 15:05:16 GMT
22435 times
In lugnet.trains, Timothy Gould wrote:

   I can’t quite tell if I’m being trolled here as I believe you’ve mentioned before that you tend not to waste too much time on the broader internet. So... facebook.

Trolled? By me??? Shirley you jest;-)

Tim, you might find it surprising that, not only do I know about Facebook, I have an account there as well! So I know about the gibberish ads on the right side of the page. What I didn’t understand was how or why Jonathan’s trolleys *showed up* on your FB page.

But I like the idea overall that you think I’m messing with you! Anytime one can keep one of the Evil Tims™ guessing, it is indeed a Good Thing® :-)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: PCC Street Cars and NJT PATH Train
(...) Hehehe. John has Facebook. Well I never! I mean the gibberish in the center of the page, not the gibberish in the ads. All the status updates, who is 'friends' with who, and occassionally something 'useful' like a picture of a tram. Ummm... (...) (14 years ago, 15-Sep-10, to lugnet.trains, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: PCC Street Cars and NJT PATH Train
(...) I can't quite tell if I'm being trolled here as I believe you've mentioned before that you tend not to waste too much time on the broader internet. So... (URL) facebook>. Tim (14 years ago, 15-Sep-10, to lugnet.trains, FTX)

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