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Ferrari Lancia D50 racecar and a BR Lowfit wagon
Newsgroups:, lugnet.trains
Fri, 15 Jun 2007 22:18:08 GMT
2848 times

BS Wallpaper Flickr

BS Flickr

Hi all,

Just compound posting some MOCs. The Lancia D50 is a beautiful piece of design and engineering from Ferrari in the 50s. The model is pretty much as you see it although the wheels should be chrome but unfortunately I didn’t have enough.

The Lowfit is a very basic wagon from British Rail used from the 40s-70s. The model is built almost entirely studs sideways-out with only the wheels, a couple of tiles and headlight bricks to hold the sides on studs up.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Ferrari Lancia D50 racecar and a BR Lowfit wagon
(...) The hood is impressive. The two sloping red 1x4 tiles. Excellent. Do you have any of the older smooth tires in this size? I am thinking they might add some more sleekness. Very nice! Jonathan (17 years ago, 18-Jun-07, to, FTX)

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