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Re: Turkish E52000 engine with TVS2000 cars
Wed, 26 Apr 2006 17:06:12 GMT
4980 times
In lugnet.trains, Timothy Gould wrote:
   In lugnet.trains, Anders Isaksson wrote:
   In lugnet.trains, Timothy Gould wrote:
Turkish style railroads - I just love the livery of the engine. Some pictures of the real engine and

Looks almost exactly like the Swedish Rc6 engine, just some small differences in the front (windows, lights). The technical data are also the same.

This should give you some more liveries to experiment with :-)

Apparently it is a Swedish design (link thanks to Selçuk). What is interesting is that the USA has some too. Perhaps some US train fan can tell us where they run.


OK, here’s a page in english more information about the Rc locomotives than any train buff would wish for.

As can be gathered from that page Amtrak did some test runs Rc locomotives. And then they ordered similar locomotives, namely the AEM7 class (popularly known as “The Toaster”), which look a bit different but are of mostly of the same construction as the Rc locomotives, with Swedish-produced electronics but some US:ian companies involved in some of the other parts of it.

Jörgen Andersson has modelled the Rc locomotive very well too, in the orange, light blue and green liveries.

The Rc locomotives are extremely common here in Sweden, and are used for both freight and passenger traffic, in fact for almost all electrified locomotive-hauled (EMU:s excluded) traffic on the mainlines, with the exception of some small private train companies.

So it feels kind of like the “normal”, perhaps even the “boring” loco to me.

Even more liveries here, here, here, here, here, here and here.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Turkish E52000 engine with TVS2000 cars
(...) Apparently it is a Swedish design ((URL) link> thanks to Selçuk). What is interesting is that the USA has some too. Perhaps some US train fan can tell us where they run. Tim (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to lugnet.trains, FTX)

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