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Re: New track mod: 10-stud-curve
Mon, 24 Apr 2006 12:57:04 GMT
4267 times
In lugnet.trains, Ondrew Hartigan wrote:
   yes it’s possible to make the s curve you’re talking about with parts i’ve allready made. 2 half curves and a parawellagram will do it.

I thought it would be something like that, but your “parawellagram” pieces are in left-hand and right-hand forms. A pair of these short curves aren’t of any fixed direction. I could have made lef-hand and right-hand 20-stud S-bends, but these curves are more versatile as they can turn in either direction.

One alternative would be extending curves to 26 studs in length, as these small curves still need to be connected to an ordinary curve in the same direction to be useful.

Jason Railton

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New track mod: 10-stud-curve
(...) snip (...) i'm sorry!!! i didn't notice that post. yes it's possible to make the s curve you're talking about with parts i've allready made. 2 half curves and a parawellagram will do it. ondrew (...) (19 years ago, 23-Apr-06, to lugnet.trains, FTX)

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