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Re: Another useful link Re: Super Cief Consists
Wed, 8 Dec 2004 18:16:22 GMT
2143 times
In lugnet.trains, Larry Pieniazek wrote:

   Unfortunatly it also exposes how much LEGO missed the mark with the BNSF model.

How so? i think the cab’s too small but given the amount of selective compression needed, I think they did quite well overall.

I just would have been nice if ALL the hidden parts had been dk green, I already have orange and black. I was also dissapointed the jumper plates are black and not dk green. As for the build, I like the 4 stud cab, as it keeps it to scale with the rest of the model. But the cooling bump would look better as 3 studs, not 4.

I’m more irritated that there’s no grill above the cooling bump an the left side. And it would have been nice to use tiles on the back of the long hood, and one on the foof for the AC unit. But it really could use an increase of height for the long hood by at least 1 plate.

   And untill they release more dark green, I’m stuck with it.

No changes you can make at all?

OK I overstated a bit. I started reworking it last night. My first goal is to tweek it to match prototype a bit better, useing only the dk green from the one kit. I’d like to increase the orange height on the long hood by one plate, and hopefully the overall length by 2 studs. I’ll also increase the steps to 2 wide enstead of 1.

I have a second unopened kit, so I may try something more extensive later.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Another useful link Re: Super Cief Consists
(...) Nifty resource. The guy must have a lot of time on his hands to make so many drawings (and we're the beneficiaries). I'm adding it. (...) How so? i think the cab's too small but given the amount of selective compression needed, I think they (...) (20 years ago, 8-Dec-04, to lugnet.trains, FTX)

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