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Updated Johnstown Bethgon Coalporter MOC
Sat, 13 Nov 2004 17:56:33 GMT
1571 times

I’ve finally gotten around to taking some pics of my Bethgons with some alternate color schemes, as well as employing my son Ross’ truck design.

This one shown is a rare color scheme for BNSF cars that were delivered in the period after the BN-ATSF merger was announced but before final paint schemes were determined.

These pics are a bit of a teaser; I will try and get my others up sometime this weekend.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Updated Johnstown Bethgon Coalporter MOC
(...) a great design as allways john. now if you could just make them lighter. when i built one off of your pictures it was so heavy i couldn't see any feesable way to run it. got any secrets? ondrew niltc (20 years ago, 14-Nov-04, to lugnet.trains, FTX)

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