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CANCELLED: Re: LUCNY to display at Day Out With Thomas, Utica, NY June 18-27, 2004
lugnet.announce,, lugnet.trains,,,
Wed, 9 Jun 2004 07:40:15 GMT
400 times
For various reasons mostly due to the venue, LUCNY will NOT be participating in this event this year.

In Lieu of this event, we will be having a local meeting to have some fun and play with our trains. This will likely be a two-day event; details to be posted after plans are solid.

Kevin Salm LUCNY

In lugnet.announce, Kevin Salm wrote:
   The Lego Users of Central New York (LUCNY) will be setting up and operating a 12 foot by 40 foot display of Lego Trains in Utica, NY, during the Day Out With Thomas the Tank Engine event.

A Day out With Thomas is sponsored by the Adirondack Scenic Railway and will be held June 18-20 and June 25-27, 2004 from 9AM to 5PM. The main event is a ride aboard an Adirondack Scenic Railway train pulled by Thomas the Tank Engine. A host of other events in and around Union Station in Utica, NY and the ajacent Utica Children’s Museum will make for a fun-filled day for all fans of Thomas and Friends.

The LUCNY Lego train layout will be housed inside the Children’s Museum on the third floor. Come and see an entire city built entirely of Lego® Brand building toys and watch the Lego trains speed along the various parts of the layout. You will be able to speak with the creators of all the custom Lego models as well as see some designs from actual Lego sets from today and years past.

Ticket price for the Day Out With Thomas event is $14.00 for ages one and up. Advance purchase tickets required by calling 866-468-3401 or online at All train tickets are reserve seating for the time you selected and shown on your ticket. If your train ride is late in the afternoon, plan to arrive one to two hours early to see and enjoy all the other events and activites. The Dates for Thomas are Friday, Saturday, and Sunday June 18, 19, 20, and 25, 26, and 27, 2004.

Because the LUCNY train exhibit will be housed inside the Utica Children’s Museum, the display will remain in place and in operation during the week between the Thomas event, June 21 thru 24. During that time, normal museum admission of $4.00 per child or adult will be charged for all visitors.

Come and join LUCNY if you can. Bring a guest train and plan to stick around for a while and chat. Note that if you are only coming to see the LUCNY Lego display in the musuem during the days of the Thomas event, you need only pay normal $4.00 museum admission. Parking is free any time.

One final tidbit--on permanent exhibit at the Childrens Musuem is an old Alco Diesel switcher locomotive and a retired Santa Fe Super-Chief style streamliner dining car. Also, since this event is held at Union Station in Utica, NY, you can watch some of the many passenger and freight trains that pass by the station every hour.

Details at the following websites:
Thomas the Tank Engine
Adirondack Scenic Railway
Utica Children’s Museum
Lego Users of Central New York

Posted by

Kevin Salm

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: CANCELLED: Re: LUCNY to display at Day Out With Thomas, Utica, NY June 18-27, 2004
(...) I’m sorry to here this but I completely understand. NILTC also decided not to do our local Thomas event this year for the very same reason. Dust [1] was a huge problem last year and with even proposing alternative locations and also offering (...) (20 years ago, 10-Jun-04, to,,

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  LUCNY to display at Day Out With Thomas, Utica, NY June 18-27, 2004
(URL) The Lego Users of Central New York (LUCNY)> will be setting up and operating a 12 foot by 40 foot display of Lego Trains in Utica, NY, during the Day Out With Thomas the Tank Engine event. (URL) A Day out With Thomas> is sponsored by the (URL) (...) (21 years ago, 20-May-04, to lugnet.announce,, lugnet.trains,,,, FTX)

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