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Space layouts with TrackDesigner.
Wed, 15 Oct 2003 15:47:36 GMT
1066 times
hi folks,

this is my first posting in "trains" and my question isn't about trains at all, but I suppose it's the only place to get a proper
answer about the trackdesigner-prog. a couple of weeks ago I downloaded trackdesigner, being curious if the prog could be used for
the layout of my moonbase. I played a little bit with its registry and finally decided to substitute the "old road"-thumbnails with
space baseplates instead of adding new entries. doing it this way I can use the baseplate-toolbar, saving a lot of clicks and
"Ctrl+I" key-strokes. it works pretty well and I'd like to share the modified registry with the

being a newbie I'd like to have some feedback from the TD-nerds. I'm troubled with the "Geometries" and all that "port" stuff.
the "t-section" and "crossroad" works fine, but the curves are a mess. the main problem are the missing connection points. I'd like
to attach the next plate on all four sides not just the "road-sides".  I did some copy'n'paste to work around the problem, but I'm
not sure if the solution I found is the ideal way. could you please have a look at my registry: ? any suggestion is welcomed. feel free to modify the file and sent it back to me.

many thx in advanced, w.

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Space layouts with TrackDesigner.
It sounds like you went through a lot of work. That's commendable. But unfortunately I must call your attention to a new program being developed that uses XML to describe track parts and other things. This makes it a lot more flexible than Track (...) (21 years ago, 15-Oct-03, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: Space layouts with TrackDesigner.
I have downloaded your Registry. I see you have new parts 552 Curved road (for spacce plate with craters) & 553 Straight road (space plate with circle). I have used Track Designer and added my own parts - such as train stations, goods sheds etc. My (...) (21 years ago, 18-Oct-03, to lugnet.trains)

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