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 Trains / 21202
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Re: Work in progress - station scene
Mon, 6 Oct 2003 10:06:16 GMT
1748 times
In lugnet.trains, James Powell wrote:
   In lugnet.trains, Tim David wrote:
   I’ve put some images of my CAD work in progress, typical British urban/suburban station set in a cutting on Brickshelf
This intended to be a setting for rolling stock similar to Ben’s bridge but with the added advantage of the enclosed space not causing problems with what to do in the background. (not to say that Ben’s is bad, I like it a lot) It is designed on a modular basis to reduce modelling time. More detail still needs to added in the form of signals, a set of steps upto to the road bridge etc. Individually placed things like people on the platforms and weeds growing up the wall wll hopefully reduce the repetitiveness. Mind you it take about 5 hours to render at present (the brickshelf images are reduced in size)



As someone else said, too clean. It reminds me of some of the LT stations, ones where there was Southern goods traffic as well as LT trains (out towards Hammersmith?)(my memories of ‘96 are starting to fade- I was only there for 4 days).

Nicely done though. Quite nice.

James Powell

Dirt was someting I had considered, I think it is especially difficult to do in Lego without resorting to using lots of slightly different shaded 1X1 plates. The other thing I had to think of was the fact that as most of it is repeating sections the dirt would become too regular. However...

I will attempt to dirty the scene a bit both by adding trackside clutter such as signals, telecoms boxes etc and also by adding some sort of piles of ballast and litter somehow

thanks for the feedback and also to larry and jason, all of you have seen the feel of the scene I was trying to create, although it wasn’t intended to be any geographical location in the UK in particular (to allow any trains to fit in) the places you mention are inspirations. In fact I was thinking of putting a in a third rail for the southern region and alo modelling a tube train!


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Work in progress - station scene
(...) As someone else said, too clean. It reminds me of some of the LT stations, ones where there was Southern goods traffic as well as LT trains (out towards Hammersmith?)(my memories of '96 are starting to fade- I was only there for 4 days). (...) (21 years ago, 4-Oct-03, to lugnet.trains, FTX)

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