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Re: Work in progress - station scene
Thu, 2 Oct 2003 15:59:33 GMT
1201 times
In lugnet.trains, Larry Pieniazek wrote:
   In lugnet.trains, Tim David wrote:
   I’ve put some images of my CAD work in progress, typical British urban/suburban station set in a cutting on Brickshelf

I found this to be a neat render and it definitely invoked the UK to this visitor... I’d be interested in hearing about how you assembled the bits. I assemble everything in MLCad and it runs out of gas as the element count advances.

Is this something that might ever get built?

The model is made up of sections, the platform and retaining wall are made up of sixteen stud long sections repeated and the bridge girders are half the width so there are four of the same model (you can only see two in the render) Each section is a seperate .ldr file and is then repeated in the final scene. Any sections which can’t be seen are removed, however they can easily be reinstated for rendering a view from a different angle. It does get slow moving the sections around, upto about 30 seconds to refresh. This is on a P111 800Mhz laptop with 256Mb ram. The render took about 6 hours and the swap file size got up to 1.8Gb As the title suggests the cad file will be getting bigger, some minifigs and a more detailed bridge are first, I’m also considering lighting for night scenes but I’ve not used the light.dat before so I will need to play around with it.

I like to think I might build it one day, however I would need a much larger Lego budget nd also would need there to be a higher peice range in dark orange (used for the brickwork) or another colour that would be suitable. Tim

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  Re: Work in progress - station scene
(...) I found this to be a neat render and it definitely invoked the UK to this visitor... I'd be interested in hearing about how you assembled the bits. I assemble everything in MLCad and it runs out of gas as the element count advances. Is this (...) (21 years ago, 2-Oct-03, to lugnet.trains, FTX)

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