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Re: Virtual ICE 3 Passenger Train
Fri, 11 Oct 2002 13:21:23 GMT
1666 times
In lugnet.trains, David VinZant writes:

Are there any parts in the Duplex that make it imposible to
build, aside from the colored doors?

Referring to this TGV Duplex:
Another parts availability exception are the trans-dark gray 1x2x2 thin-wall
I think all of the parts are available.
However, maybe this part is hard to come by:
- gray 1x4x1.3 1/4-curved brick (used on cab nose flanking window); I only
know of its availability in the Hogwart's Castle.

James Mathis

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Virtual ICE 3 Passenger Train
(...) I am always glad to help out a fellow Highspeed Railer. Maybe there should be a lugnet.trains.highspeedrail .... ;) (...) You might try rubberbands like I use on my TGV. (URL) the cars might be weight more and cause the rubberbands to stretch (...) (22 years ago, 11-Oct-02, to lugnet.trains)

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