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Working Signal Box and Signals
Newsgroups:, lugnet.trains
Mon, 10 Jun 2002 17:21:13 GMT
98 times
My first MOC, using flex parts to work a signal from a lever frame in the
signal box, and lighting the red and green aspects with a lamp:

Interesting to read the 'motorized switch' debate on lugnet.trains, perhaps
this offers some other ideas, although I wouldn't be able to shift
switches/points with these levers without modifying the spring. I feel an
order for more flex parts coming on...

It's my first post on Lugnet, so do let me know what you think. I came out
of the 'Dark Ages' about 2 years ago, so I'm still building up the parts.
And I said I'd never let myself get into Lego trains. Heigh-ho, might as
well enjoy it ;-)


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Working Signal Box and Signals
I *like* it! True model railway wire in tube actuation. By strange coincidence, I ordered a pile of flex bits at the weekend. I think I'll have a go. The lighting doesn't show up very well, but the concept is magnificent. I think I'll have a go at (...) (23 years ago, 10-Jun-02, to, lugnet.trains)
  Re: Working Signal Box and Signals
(...) Very neat! And I see no reason why these couldn't run over fairly long distances! And for your next project, some mechanical interlocking on that signal box would be *really* neat 8?) ROSCO (23 years ago, 11-Jun-02, to, lugnet.trains)

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