In lugnet.space, Larry Pieniazek writes:
> In lugnet.space, Richard Parsons writes:
> > > wings are useless in space, dude.
> > > i'm an astrophysicist, i know whereof i speak.
> >
> > No! Surely not!
> Oh stop. You guys are just trying to drive the postcount of loc.au up
> because the whinging poms might stay ahead of you, or something. :-)
> Next you'll be asking why the sky is blue over in lugnet.town, then you can
> ask if you have to hold RCX's upside down when programming them in the
> southern hemisphere over in lugnet.robotics. And if that doesn't do the
> trick. postwise, you can always put in a post or two in lugnet.lego.direct
> decrying the lack of S@H... that should do the trick. (all crossposted to
> loc.au of course)
THE .Loc.Au Manifesto
1. Australia is the best place on Earth
2. Australia is better that the UK at cricket
3. The sky is blue over Lugnet.town because the catalogue pictures show so.
4. Maps show the world upside down, Australia should be at the top
5. Programming RCXs upside down is the correct way to do it.
6. Bionicle, Slizer and Roboriders are all technic, and good for sales too.
7. There is no point seven.
8. Wings look good on spaceships, unless the spaceship looks better without.
9. 6 wide trains can look just as real as 8 wide trains.
10. People who build with their collections enjoy the LEGO® hobby more.
11. LarryP is of high comedy/debate value.
Please note that this post is comedy and replies are not expected. Any views
expressed here might not be the concensus of all of Loc.Au. and may not
reflect the views of the poster.
James (who is struggling into his flame suit now...)
P.S. 384 seperate posts about the S@H issue and when we might see it in
Australia will follow shortly. It's not in this post because its lack is NOT
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Couldn't resist
| (...) Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, extra big tick, tick, tick, tick. Do we issue cards, so we can be card-carrying manifesto-quoting .loc.aus? (...) Comedy and truth - seldom one encounters them together. (...) Smeg. Where's MY flame suit. I (...) (24 years ago, 24-Jun-01, to lugnet.loc.au)
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