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 Trains / 10923
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Re: We got one! Is this a first?
Wed, 25 Apr 2001 10:14:17 GMT
1495 times
"Frank Buiting" <> wrote in message

Can you tell us a little about the parts in the set? Are there black
airplane windows (with glass)? What do the instructions look like
specialised for the green train or generic? Are the parts printed or does • it
use stickers?

black airplane windows - but no glass
instructions are generic I think - but I cant tell as they are for the blue
train, and I ordered a blue train!
but given that they cover both the large engine with and without tender I
guess they are generic
The parts are stickers - not printed


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: We got one! Is this a first?
(...) Great! That's fast :-) Can you tell us a little about the parts in the set? Are there black airplane windows (with glass)? What do the instructions look like specialised for the green train or generic? Are the parts printed or does it use (...) (24 years ago, 25-Apr-01, to lugnet.trains,

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