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 Trains / *23085 (-5)
  COLTC at Dayton GATS, OCt 11/12.
COLTC will participate in next weekend' GATS show, at the Exposition Center at Dayton Airport. Show times will be 11-5, each day. for more info: (URL) will be our first GATS show. We have many new models, large and small. Never shown before (...) (21 years ago, 6-Oct-03, to, lugnet.trains,,  
  Re: Container swap, haven't heard from these clubs
Hi, Finally, COLTC will have it's first "real" show at the GATS in Dayton, Oct 12/12. We have had two smaller practice runs at the Lego Road Show Cleveland, and at a local mall, now its for real! We also want to make containers, and swap. We have a (...) (21 years ago, 6-Oct-03, to
  Re: Work in progress - station scene
(...) Dirt was someting I had considered, I think it is especially difficult to do in Lego without resorting to using lots of slightly different shaded 1X1 plates. The other thing I had to think of was the fact that as most of it is repeating (...) (21 years ago, 6-Oct-03, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
  inspired by jet red
coming soon Blue Sky walking to work I was thinking about having more fun with lego and inspired by the Jet Red series I thought of my next project. I won't say any more beyond the fact that it will be futurific and will involve trains and plane ( (...) (21 years ago, 6-Oct-03, to lugnet.trains)
  Can't (was Re: LET IT DIE)
(...) See? That's precisely the wrong attitude to take. Speaking for myself, I would very much like to see your future creations and CAD renders. I looked at all the renders in the current thread and enjoyed them very much -- I also happen to be (...) (21 years ago, 5-Oct-03, to lugnet.trains,, FTX)

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