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 Trains / *23025 (-10)
  Re: Help: Query re: 4.5V stuff
(...) The thing in the lower right is a very old 4.5V LEGO train motor. Since it's upside-down and disassembled it's harder to see it for what it is. It was first made around 1970. The things on the right are obviously the wires to connect it to a (...) (21 years ago, 24-Sep-03, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
  Re: Help: Query re: 4.5V stuff
(...) You picked the right forum. The thing in the lower right is a very old 4.5V LEGO train motor. Since it's upside-down and disassembled it's harder to see it for what it is. It was first made around 1970. The things on the right are obviously (...) (21 years ago, 24-Sep-03, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
  Help: Query re: 4.5V stuff
Hi all, Well, this is my first post to .train, and I hope I've picked the right forum to ask this question. Redirect me if there is a better place. My father-in-law sent my the following picture: (URL) a 4.5V box he and my nephew discovered in my (...) (21 years ago, 24-Sep-03, to lugnet.trains)
  The VLC participated at the LEGO® Sponsored "What will you make Americas?" RoadShow!
The Vancouver LEGO® Club was put to the test against Master Builders as they constructed a layout for the "What will you make?" LEGO® North America RoadShow tour. Approximately 9 members of The VLC built the impeccably detailed layout in 3 weeks, (...) (21 years ago, 24-Sep-03, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.trains,,, !! 
  MichLTC - Hamburg Railroad Days - Show Report & Pictures
MichLTC completed another show this past weekend. This time at the Hamburg Railroad days show. Chris created a few new buildings for this layout. Steve Ringe showed some new train models for the first time at this show as well. We also had a small (...) (21 years ago, 23-Sep-03, to lugnet.announce,,, lugnet.trains,,, FTX)  
  NGLTC at the 27th Annual Festival of Trees
Once again the North Georgia LEGO® Train Club (NGLTC) will be supporting the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta by sponsoring a tree at the 27th Annual Festival of Trees. The Festival of Trees, Atlanta’s premier holiday event, benefits Children’s (...) (21 years ago, 23-Sep-03, to lugnet.announce,, lugnet.trains, lugnet.general,  
  Re: Classic W2 class tram
(...) And you can view that AFOL's efforts (URL). Regards ROSCO (21 years ago, 23-Sep-03, to lugnet.trains,, FTX)
  Re: Classic W2 class tram
(...) LOL well I do like BIG!!! (...) Well I'm glad :) As I said it was a challenge from another AFOL that inspired me to finish mine! (which was originally going to be 6-wide, but it just didn't look right). The other AFOL actually came up with (...) (21 years ago, 22-Sep-03, to lugnet.trains,, FTX)
  Re: Classic W2 class tram
(...) LOL! Don't worry I'm currently working on a very much Technic MOC ;) Also working on another MOC which sorta combines train and technic, but more on that soon! (...) Please feel free to ask questions if you have any. ROSCO (21 years ago, 22-Sep-03, to lugnet.trains,
  Re: Classic W2 class tram
(...) Thanks Richie :) I had fun building it too! ROSCO (21 years ago, 22-Sep-03, to lugnet.trains,, FTX)

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