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 Trains / *22660 (-5)
  Wheelchair MOC
I was working on a train station with handicap accessible ramps when I realized that I didn't have any handicapped minifigs. I put together this minifig scale wheelchair to test the ramps. (URL) chair is a bit bulky, so I'm working on something (...) (21 years ago, 11-Aug-03, to, lugnet.trains)  
  Trackside Tower MOC
After seeing pics of a tower in a train mag I decided to give it a shot. The railings took the longest to figure out and I think they work pretty well. (URL) (21 years ago, 11-Aug-03, to lugnet.trains)
  New Train MOC: Maintenance crane
Hi all! As a part of my exhibition next week, I finally built this maintenance crane: (URL) is based on the real one, but not an exact model. It is primary used for changing sleepers. To answer the question how it passes under bridges, I can tell (...) (21 years ago, 11-Aug-03, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: Three 8 wide freight cars, & a fire engine!
(...) Nice job on all the models, Josh. I especially like the Fire looks great in the red and orange paint scheme. Joe (21 years ago, 9-Aug-03, to lugnet.trains,
  Re: Three 8 wide freight cars, & a fire engine!
(...) Sounds good I hadn't thought of that! Josh (21 years ago, 9-Aug-03, to lugnet.trains,

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