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Re: A nice suprise.
Newsgroups:, lugnet.year.2005,
Wed, 9 Mar 2005 08:23:14 GMT
220 times
Orion Pobursky schreef:
In, Jeff Van Winden wrote:

So today I went to work thinking that this was going to be another regular day.
It was, until I recieved an email telling me that a package had arrived for me.

So I motor down to our mail room and Low and behold there is a big box
containing a  7249 XXL Mobil Crane Box Pics:

You lucky...
Mine shipped yesterday.

This crane is Big, it comes with an old school turntable, 3 new peices (to me at
least) and only two extra parts!

The part on the right in ths picture:
is used extensively in the Dirt Crusher RC Car.  The other 2 new pieces I
haven't seen before.


Yep, is correct.
The left one is used in 2004 technic sets. The red truck this part is
used as steering elements.

     Maico Arts

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: A nice suprise.
(...) You lucky... Mine shipped yesterday. (...) The part on the right in ths picture: (URL) used extensively in the Dirt Crusher RC Car. The other 2 new pieces I haven't seen before. -Orion (20 years ago, 8-Mar-05, to, lugnet.year.2005,

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