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Re: William Toenjes Featured in LEGO Press Release
Mon, 31 Mar 2003 04:18:56 GMT
700 times
In, Allan Bedford writes:
In lugnet.mediawatch, Kevin McMillin writes:
Hi all,

Browsing LEGO's Press Room, it appears LEGO was as impressed with the 1920s
fire engine by William Toenjes as we all were:

If it ever becomes possible to nominate a model for LEGO's 'My Own Creation'
series... this one will get my nod.

i most definity agree. it would be a perfact addition to the holiday
catalog.  (great gift to the firefighter in the family)

I am as impressed with this model today as when it was first seen on LUGNET
a few weeks ago.

i most definity agree.

Allan B.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: William Toenjes Featured in LEGO Press Release
(...) Ondrew, Allen & all, Thanks everyone for your kind words. I would love to be able to offer the fire truck as a set but fear the task of collecting 340 new parts to be more than I would want to take on. I've been looking at the possiblility of (...) (22 years ago, 31-Mar-03, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: William Toenjes Featured in LEGO Press Release
(...) series... this one will get my nod. I am as impressed with this model today as when it was first seen on LUGNET a few weeks ago. Regards, Allan B. (22 years ago, 31-Mar-03, to

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