Hi all,
Inspired by Mark's amazing Union Station, I decided my town needed a
large train station too. I've been working on it for a few days now, and it is
taking shape. It's not based on any real station; I usually just start building
and see what happens. That makes for a lot of building up and tearing down in
the process! The station has five tracs inside, and covers two of the extra
large rey baseplates; I may extend it along the tracks, to cover 4 such plates.
Anyway, pics of the current status are on BrickShelf at
Notable items: The interior is fully lighted. I use the old 4.5v 2x2 light
bricks. There are currently eight of them in the building, powered off a single
battery box. There is one each in the cafe, tobacco store, vending machine, the
two ticket offices, front sign, and two in the roof. You can sort of see the
lighting at
The lighted vending machine is visible to the right of the ticket office at
A 'daytime' view of the same area is at
The stairs behind the machine, and an identical set on the other side, do
actually go up to the roof walkway. The exit from these stairs, and the
requisite security cameras, can be seen on the right side of
The building still needs some more interior detailing, especially the buffers
at the end of the tracks, some more seating and signage, etc. And I need to
complete the roof. That'll take some doing. Finally, I will need to remove all
the cat hairs :)
Build on
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