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Re: LAST DAY FOR VOTING - Town building contest
Sat, 17 Mar 2001 02:58:46 GMT
1047 times
In, Kevin Wilson writes:
Just a reminder that your votes need to be in by midnight PST tonight
(that's 3am EST on Saturday :-)  ). If you haven't registered with me and
you want to vote, do it ASAP! See
for how to register, and for links
to all the entries.

I just spent the last 3 hours with my jaw on the floor... doing my voting! I
probably should have spaced this out over the last few days but you know how
it goes. I suspect Brickshelf bandwidth is a bit strained right now!

It was hard work because there are so MANY good entries to choose from in
most categories and I really agonized (but it was a good kind of agony)

If you haven't voted yet, get out there! Even if you didn't register, go
look at the entries, they are truly amazing. I knew we were a talented bunch
but just how talented we are continues to shock me.


Message is in Reply To:
  LAST DAY FOR VOTING - Town building contest
Just a reminder that your votes need to be in by midnight PST tonight (that's 3am EST on Saturday :-) ). If you haven't registered with me and you want to vote, do it ASAP! See (URL) how to register, and (URL) for links to all the entries. Kevin (...) (24 years ago, 16-Mar-01, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.general,,, lugnet.trains)  

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