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Re: Super Container cranes
Fri, 9 Feb 2001 01:01:32 GMT
63 times
In lugnet.trains, David K. Z. Harris writes:
In lugnet.trains, Josh Baakko writes:
I'm working on a "Super container crane", to unload my Container
ships, onto trucks, then onto a train.

All of my freight containers, as well as my flatcars, are on their
way to Calgary for the SuperTrain 2001 show this coming weekend.
(See to see some pictures.)

I just finished watching a TLC (Learning Chanel, U.S.) program
on Heavy Lifters, with covered some big container loaders in
San Diego, among other things. I clearly don't have enough
intermodal freight in my collection, but it's a start! ;-)

  I lok forward to seeing some pictures.


I have 4 test photos here:

The design has to be rebuilt, so that it can stick out over the water (this
is the 4-wide ship-truck crane).

P.S. I may bring it to the Great American Train Show in Chicago, if MichLUG
can get a spot.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Intermodal/container yard(was: Super Container cranes)
I've also been thinking of a 30" X 45" Intermodal yard, built with 6 15" x 15" gray baseplates, 2x2 black tiles, and 3 or 4 of last years train container crane (# excapes me right now). I'll make the cranes rolling, on old 4.5 volt track (If anyone (...) (24 years ago, 16-Feb-01, to lugnet.trains,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Super Container cranes
(...) All of my freight containers, as well as my flatcars, are on their way to Calgary for the SuperTrain 2001 show this coming weekend. (See (URL) to see some pictures.) I just finished watching a TLC (Learning Chanel, U.S.) program on Heavy (...) (24 years ago, 8-Feb-01, to lugnet.trains,,

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