Please don't tell me that they are discontinuing traditional minifigs. Please.
Christian Gemuenden wrote:
> To all,
> I did just noticed that the images I have downloaded from shop.lego.com/...
> a few days back have now been removed and can no longer be seen where I
> found them. Someone at TLC must have noticed the 'misupload' and taken the
> new images back down. Obviously, some are not out for months (being planed
> for fall release), and TLC has decided to not officially announce these
> images yet.
> So, in fact - I have to admit that my page now shows images that are not
> (more) officially available. Keep that fact in mind while checking my page!
> I also crossposted this to .lego.direct as LD might want to ask me to remove
> my images too now. I don't think it'd make much sense to remove my copies of
> the images too, now that everyone has already seen (and downloaded them),
> put if any LEGO employee will contact me and ask me to remove my images,
> then I will do so! I don't see my page causing any trouble though - it only
> focuses on information given out by LEGO already no matter if it is still
> available or not (many other LEGO areas disappear too, but it's still okay
> to talk about them).
> I just thought I'd have to point out this recent impact before everyone
> starts contacting me asking for the source of these images: it's been
> lego.com as mentioned on my URL!
> Bye, Christian --- xTIAN.
> --------------------------------------------------
> Lugnet Member #479 -- The World is full of AFOLs !
> mail: xtian@brickmaster.de web: www.brickmaster.de
> In lugnet.year.2001, Christian Gemünden writes:
> > Interesting! I was just about to announce about the same new images. You can
> > now find most of these new things directly on lego.com. Hm, maybe not
> > directly on lego.com in front of your face, but somewhere on lego.com :) .
> >
> > I have done some searching for all of you and I thought I'd share all the
> > results:
> >
> > http://www.brickmaster.de/taken_from_lego_com/
> >
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