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Re: More new pics of 2001 stuff
lugnet.year.2001, lugnet.admin.database, lugnet.technic.bionicle,
Thu, 5 Apr 2001 01:15:41 GMT
79 times
Please don't tell me that they are discontinuing traditional minifigs. Please.


Christian Gemuenden wrote:

To all,

I did just noticed that the images I have downloaded from
a few days back have now been removed and can no longer be seen where I
found them. Someone at TLC must have noticed the 'misupload' and taken the
new images back down. Obviously, some are not out for months (being planed
for fall release), and TLC has decided to not officially announce these
images yet.

So, in fact - I have to admit that my page now shows images that are not
(more) officially available. Keep that fact in mind while checking my page!

I also crossposted this to as LD might want to ask me to remove
my images too now. I don't think it'd make much sense to remove my copies of
the images too, now that everyone has already seen (and downloaded them),
put if any LEGO employee will contact me and ask me to remove my images,
then I will do so! I don't see my page causing any trouble though - it only
focuses on information given out by LEGO already no matter if it is still
available or not (many other LEGO areas disappear too, but it's still okay
to talk about them).

I just thought I'd have to point out this recent impact before everyone
starts contacting me asking for the source of these images: it's been as mentioned on my URL!

Bye, Christian --- xTIAN.
Lugnet Member #479 -- The World is full of AFOLs !
mail: web:

In lugnet.year.2001, Christian Gemünden writes:
Interesting! I was just about to announce about the same new images. You can
now find most of these new things directly on Hm, maybe not
directly on in front of your face, but somewhere on :) .

I have done some searching for all of you and I thought I'd share all the

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: More new pics of 2001 stuff
To all, I did just noticed that the images I have downloaded from a few days back have now been removed and can no longer be seen where I found them. Someone at TLC must have noticed the 'misupload' and taken the new images back (...) (24 years ago, 4-Apr-01, to lugnet.year.2001, lugnet.admin.database, lugnet.technic.bionicle,

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