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 Technic / 8810
8809  |  8811
lugnet.general, lugnet.technic
Tue, 7 Jan 2003 08:02:54 GMT
217 times
8454 - Funny how the more ugly set got more responds than the other one.
However, this pile of liftarms has more than meets the eye:

1. The knob closer to the front seems to have double action: It is not
steering like the one behind it, but is connected to some kind of liftarm,
enabling it to work as a four-direction joystick.

under the back knob you can see the ball-pin
the front knob is connected to it
but the front knob seems to be enable to move in one direction only

2. The thing between the green liftarm and the black panel at the back is
the regular engine; I guess it is connected to the non-steering wheels.

i agree
when i sharp a little bit the picture then it shows part-studs of engine

3. The blue hose between the wheels is connected to the red "thing" close
to it.

yes and when you look closer you can see that this red thing is a fire
simmilar to
and above the rolled hose you can see two black
one upper and other lower to enaboe the hose to pull out

4. Nothing seems to open on the body - no doors of any kind, so there is
something else that is hiding there.
5. There are two dark gray handles next to the steering knob, that has to
control something like...

like door open knobs on the roof in
but i think they are pushed to the front instead of to the down

6. ...(did someone say) a water gun! Could this be the first hydro-lego • set,
or is it just my imagination?

i think it's true :)))

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Hello all, After reading all the threads of the original message, I would like to contribute my 2 cents, (before I’ll gladly give them, along with few hundred dollars more to Lego). 8454 – Funny how the more ugly set got more responds than the other (...) (22 years ago, 6-Jan-03, to lugnet.general, lugnet.technic)

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