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lugnet.general, lugnet.technic
Tue, 7 Jan 2003 11:29:57 GMT
219 times
In lugnet.general, Avi Parvin writes:
1. The knob closer to the front seems to have double action: It is not
steering like the one behind it, but is connected to some kind of liftarm,
enabling it to work as a four-direction joystick.
I'm not sure about that, perhaps the liftarm is just to support the knob.

3. The blue hose between the wheels is connected to the red “thing” close to it.

I think the red thing is just the handle at the end of the hose.
6. ...(did someone say) a water gun! Could this be the first hydro-lego set,
or is it just my imagination?

That was also my initial thought. But... I think it's too good to be true.

Finally, two personal points, which I would like to add here: First, for
about two month I have a huge (75cm), 8 wheels chassis sitting on my Lego
shelves, waiting to be the next ultimate Airtech-something. Now Lego has
it’s own first 8 wheeler. Mine, by the way, is a twin-steer chassis, with
all wheels drive (7 differentials!) and independent suspensions. Did I
mentions that is has the 8466 wheels?

Wow! What a monster!

- David

Message is in Reply To:
Hello all, After reading all the threads of the original message, I would like to contribute my 2 cents, (before I’ll gladly give them, along with few hundred dollars more to Lego). 8454 – Funny how the more ugly set got more responds than the other (...) (22 years ago, 6-Jan-03, to lugnet.general, lugnet.technic)

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