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 Technic / 8386
8385  |  8387
HP rating on the 9V motor.
Thu, 24 Oct 2002 09:18:56 GMT
633 times
HI there!

I just watched the video that ships with the 8457 Power Puller and it gives
some facts about the real version side by side with the LEGO model.

Among other things it claims the HP rating on the model to be 0.0007 HP.

I don't know if that's motor HP or wheel HP but still figured it was a fun
fact for us hardcore LEGO fans :)

(the real version has 7500 or so, can't remember exact number)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: HP rating on the 9V motor.
(...) IIRC 1hp=0.75kW, a lego power motor is 9V*500mA=4.5W, which gives 0.006hp. Jürgen (22 years ago, 24-Oct-02, to lugnet.technic)

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