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 Technic / 8166
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Re: Old MOC: Liebherr R 996 Excavator
lugnet.technic, lugnet.modelteam
Mon, 16 Sep 2002 21:11:12 GMT
3855 times

You know I've already red your story, but for those who haven't seen the
Liebherr yet I can only say one word: GREAT!

Dennis Bosman

In lugnet.technic, Steven Combs writes:
Nice work TJ!  This is an absolutely fabulous model and I am so sorry I
missed it at Brickfest.

Steven B. Combs, Publisher
Bricks in my Pocket (BimP)

Submission Information:

lugnet member #414

Message is in Reply To:
  RE: Old MOC: Liebherr R 996 Excavator
Nice work TJ! This is an absolutely fabulous model and I am so sorry I missed it at Brickfest. Steven B. Combs, Publisher Bricks in my Pocket (BimP) (URL) Information: (URL) member #414 (22 years ago, 8-Aug-02, to lugnet.technic, lugnet.modelteam)

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