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 Technic / 8139
    T.j's right, you can never have too many cranes —Steven Lane
   Hi all Check out my new Moc (and site) as featured on Bimp. (URL) (and click model) LMKWYT Steve (22 years ago, 12-Sep-02, to lugnet.technic) ! 
        Re: T.j's right, you can never have too many cranes —Ronald Vallenduuk
     Wow! But then again... wow. Do you live near Jennifer? Or is there a Baldwin sponsors Lego models deal that I don't know about? Can't wait to see more pictures..... Duq "Steven lane" <> wrote in message (...) (22 years ago, 12-Sep-02, to lugnet.technic)
         Re: T.j's right, you can never have too many cranes —Steven Lane
     (...) No, I live right in the middle of England and she lives in Scotland which is the bit at the top :-). But we have met. Or is there a Baldwin sponsors Lego models deal It's just a coincidence (...) I've left the crane all setup ready so I can (...) (22 years ago, 12-Sep-02, to lugnet.technic)
        Re: T.j's right, you can never have too many cranes —Steven Lane
     I've just checked the link from Bimp and their seems to have been an extraneous %20 added to the end of the link try (URL) (22 years ago, 12-Sep-02, to lugnet.technic)
        Re: T.j's right, you can never have too many cranes —Jennifer Clark
     (...) Nice one Steve, the cab windows work really well. Any chance of seeing more detail of the suspension setup? Jennifer (22 years ago, 12-Sep-02, to lugnet.technic)
         Re: T.j's right, you can never have too many cranes —Steven Lane
      (...) Pictures might be difficult as there is so much cramped into a small space but I could knock up quick cutaway dat tomorrow, no trouble. Steve (22 years ago, 12-Sep-02, to lugnet.technic)
         Re: T.j's right, you can never have too many cranes —Steven Lane
     (...) Try (URL) (22 years ago, 13-Sep-02, to lugnet.technic)
        Re: T.j's right, you can never have too many cranes —Thomas Avery
     Yes, and so is Jennifer! (...) Excellent model!!! That's damn nice! I love the cab shape, I think you did a good job with it. And I agree about the windscreens, they do look much better as you've done them. That thing must be a monster, how long is (...) (22 years ago, 12-Sep-02, to lugnet.technic)
         Re: T.j's right, you can never have too many cranes —Steven Lane
     (...) Thanks. (...) The truck part is 101.5cm long approx, 14.3 cm wide and 11cm high. The jib is 124cm high but if I combined both jibs into one I could go as high as 194cm maybe over 2 metres. The crane needs a space 1m x 1.2m to operate. I saved (...) (22 years ago, 12-Sep-02, to lugnet.technic)
        Re: T.j's right, you can never have too many cranes —Ross Crawford
   (...) Yep saw this as I was browsing BIMP! I like it! And I am also hanging out for more details / pics! ROSCO (el-cheapo minifig-scale crane builder....) (22 years ago, 13-Sep-02, to lugnet.technic)

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