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Re: T.j's right, you can never have too many cranes
Thu, 12 Sep 2002 22:45:18 GMT
1146 times
In lugnet.technic, Thomas Avery writes:
Yes, and so is Jennifer!

In lugnet.technic, Steven Lane writes:
Check out my new Moc (and site) as featured on Bimp.  (and click model)

Excellent model!!! That's damn nice!


I love the cab shape, I think you did a good job with it. And I agree about
the windscreens, they do look much better as you've done them.

That thing must be a monster, how long is the model? Also, what are the rest
of the specifics (i.e. model weight, dimensions, lifting capacity, etc.)?

The truck part is 101.5cm long approx, 14.3 cm wide and 11cm high.

The jib is 124cm high but if I combined both jibs into one I could go as
high as 194cm maybe over 2 metres.

The crane needs a space 1m x 1.2m to operate.

I saved the best details till last. The crane has lifted 10Kg, I forget the
radius, probably 20cm. but I reckon it can do a bit more. When I get time
I'll do some definative testing.

The Baldwins livery is very nice, IMO. Jennifer's crane looks pretty sharp,
and so does yours.

So where are the details? Or are you going to not tell us, again? Please
explain your models so that they aren't just a mystery to us! Details, details!

How are the suspention, turntable, outriggers, etc. constructed and how do
they work?

I'll explain the suspension tomorrow. The outriggers are simply a 1L
thickness tube of bricks. They don't retract like the real ones and have a
pnuematic cylinder at the end powered by a tube running it's lenght. The
hard part was connecting them to the crane. Their are four connections per
outrigger evenly spaced. The connections are 1X10 plates with a technic hole
at the end. And their vertically seperated as much as possible. These
connections are woven into the brick tubes using vertical and horizontal
beams. The opposing connections are woven into the turntable. This enables
the outriggers to be held on with 1 long vertical axle. This also allows
them to swing left and right prior to footpad deployment

Could you take more pictures of it? I'd love to see the full thing: boom,
jib, and all.

Yep :-)


p.s. Your site is nice! I'd recommend that you throw in a few links in your
text. You talk about "Dennis" and "TJ" and "Jennifer", however, no one other
than ourselves will know who you're talking about.

Thats a good point :-)


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: T.j's right, you can never have too many cranes
Yes, and so is Jennifer! (...) Excellent model!!! That's damn nice! I love the cab shape, I think you did a good job with it. And I agree about the windscreens, they do look much better as you've done them. That thing must be a monster, how long is (...) (22 years ago, 12-Sep-02, to lugnet.technic)

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