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 Technic / 499
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Re: The end of the Technic beam is nigh...
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 03:08:05 GMT
1530 times
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean TLC is not out to get you! ;-)

Huw Millington wrote:

I picked up 8238 Speed Slammers today.

In it are new straight beams, in the same style as the now-common bent ones
(i.e. full width), in length 5 and 15 (holes)



G. Crisp -

"Indian, indian, what did you die for?  Indian says 'Nothing at all.'"
-- Jim Morrison

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  The end of the Technic beam is nigh...
I picked up 8238 Speed Slammers today. In it are new straight beams, in the same style as the now-common bent ones (i.e. full width), in length 5 and 15 (holes) Huw (25 years ago, 17-Dec-99, to lugnet.technic)

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