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8094 mod: automatic plotter (memorizes in control center)
Wed, 25 Jul 2007 01:49:14 GMT
15243 times

I’ve been building the 8094 models recently with my 8485 (and spares.) Then I realized that the 8094’s original plotter model really sucks: you can’t really memorize a pattern to let the machine write for you since the pen needs to be lifted and lowered manually (the 8094 only came with 2 motors). So I installed the 3rd motor from set 8485.

The only challenge really was to gear down that fast 9V motor substantially in that cramped space.

I wanted to limit myself mostly to bricks coming from set 8485 or 8094. In the end the only extra parts needed were a few 8 tooth gears and a weigh brick on the other end of the writing rack.

The “LEGO” sequence was completely memorized in the control center. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get it to memorize anything longer. The control center simply stops recording after a while. Anybody knows how to get around that?

(The yellow spot at the bottom of the glass is what’s left of the banana/orange juice, for the curious).

After moderation:

Then I browsed Brickshelf and found someone who already did something similar except he used a tiny micromotor (which doesn’t come in the either of the Control Center sets.)

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: 8094 mod: video now available
On Brickshelf and Youtube. I recommend you tube (faster) but if you want to save it (10mb), I put it on the same brickshelf folder. (2 URLs) (18 years ago, 26-Jul-07, to lugnet.technic, FTX)
  Re: 8094 mod: automatic plotter (memorizes in control center)
Just a guess, but maybe you've run into a memory limit in the device such that once x many commands are stored it ignores all commands after that. I don't own one of these, so if you're feeling up to it, you could take yours apart to see what kind (...) (18 years ago, 27-Jul-07, to lugnet.technic)

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