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Re: Liebherr LR-1750 Completion Photos
Tue, 1 Nov 2005 20:23:15 GMT
5198 times
In lugnet.technic, Alvin Brant wrote:
Good Afternoon.

I have finally gotten around to posting the completion photos of my Liebherr
LR-1750 (fomrer LR-1600).  The photos show the crane set up with the heavy main
boom, the superlift with counterweight tray, and a luffing jib.  The overall
height of this crane shown is only 14', but it proved to be more than stable
enough to add more boom.  Even with a 15 mph wind blowing, the crane was hardly
rocking at all.  I plan to make some more boom, or even steal some of the boom
from my LR-11200 to try to test the maximum height that I can get out of this
model.  The pictures are at the following link:

Take a look and feel free to give any compliments or criticisims.

Some specs are as follows:

Main Boom = 108"
Luffing Jib = 60"
Counterweights = 30lbs
Motors = 6
Time = at least 40 hours
Parts = ???

Thanks for you time


30 lbs!  I did not realize it took that much weight to balance the boom, but I
guess that makes sense.  40 hrs is not much time at all for a design that big.
Is it possible to build a crane that tall without grounded support in the rear?
I mean is it possible to build one like that that is free-standing?  That is not
a critisism but just a question to increase personal learning.

It must be strong to withstand a 15 mph wind! I think you have set records with
your cranes that may never been broken.  How much can it lift?  Would adding a
load make it withstand even greater wind resistance?  It sure dwarfs my crane!

Keep up the good work!



Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Liebherr LR-1750 Completion Photos
(...) Dunno about Alvins, but my CC-2800 only needs the extra ballast while raising the boom. Once it's up, the extra ballast can be disconnected, and just rely on the counterweight attached to the superstructure. Of course I have to be careful not (...) (19 years ago, 1-Nov-05, to lugnet.technic)
  Re: Liebherr LR-1750 Completion Photos
(...) As far as the "grounded support" that you are referring to, on the real crane it is called the "suspended ballast" On the real LR-1750, the guys for it are attached to hydraulic cylinders which can raise and lower the ballast. Therefore it can (...) (19 years ago, 10-Nov-05, to lugnet.technic)

Message is in Reply To:
  Liebherr LR-1750 Completion Photos
Good Afternoon. I have finally gotten around to posting the completion photos of my Liebherr LR-1750 (fomrer LR-1600). The photos show the crane set up with the heavy main boom, the superlift with counterweight tray, and a luffing jib. The overall (...) (19 years ago, 31-Oct-05, to lugnet.technic) ! 

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