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 Technic / 13527
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Re: 4 section boom
Sun, 16 Jan 2005 23:49:31 GMT
3230 times
In lugnet.technic, Vineet Honkan wrote:
So if I were to use a chain, and if it were to move the third section and it
were fixed on to the second section, all I wouldhave to do is add another chain
and fix it onto the third section? Would this work?

I realised my explanation was less than perfect, so I have quickly expanded
Jen's diagram to help:

BTW, I am imagining a small motor will be running the first chain, because
that's the way I figured out how the third section would move (set it up on the
same line as the chain, with the axle in the same direction as the chain
lengthwise). Is this correct for the three section boom?

The chains for sections 2 & 3 (blue and red on my diagram) do not need to be
motorised at all. All you need to do is extend section 1 from section 0, using a
chain, a rack system, or even one of John Barnes' leadscrews. You could then use
chains to extend sections 2 & 3 automatically, or string would do the job just
as well, except it stretches a bit more. I used string on my BRE-100T.

Hope this helps


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: 4 section boom
Is this why on those big cranes (Demag AC 500) there are a small set of wisible pulleys on the ouraaise left side of the boom? Thanks. Thanks for the drawing. Very helpful! Keep on building cranes! (20 years ago, 17-Jan-05, to lugnet.technic)
  Re: 4 section boom
I came across a design I did 8 months back. The way I have this drawing is that one motor operates the first section, and right beside the motor is a cable that retracts and extends the rest of the boom. I will post pics of it as soon as possible. (20 years ago, 17-Jan-05, to lugnet.technic)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: 4 section boom
So if I were to use a chain, and if it were to move the third section and it were fixed on to the second section, all I wouldhave to do is add another chain and fix it onto the third section? Would this work? BTW, I am imagining a small motor will (...) (20 years ago, 16-Jan-05, to lugnet.technic)

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