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Re: Need Help: Rotating Sections of a Spaceship
Newsgroups:, lugnet.technic,
Wed, 24 Nov 2004 22:07:36 GMT
1523 times
In, Leonard Hoffman wrote:
Will I be able to run both rings off of the same motor?  Will the motor be
strong enough?

The key thing is keep the center of gravity of the ring at the drive axle.  If
it is 1mm off then you will need a lot more torque, and the rotation speed will
be non-uniform.

I just figured how to do the different directions on a single
motor> (forgive the MSPaint drawing).

You can just use 3 bevel gears or this piece to do counter rotation.  What is keeping
you from running the axle through the center?

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Need Help: Rotating Sections of a Spaceship
(...) I just figured how to do the different directions on a single (URL) (forgive the MSPaint drawing). And speed is actually something I don't want - the HabRing has to be very slow since I'm going to have detail I want people to see inside of it. (...) (20 years ago, 24-Nov-04, to, lugnet.technic,, FTX)

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