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Re: SSClagorpion - Compressor
Sat, 31 Jul 2004 22:27:03 GMT
25607 times
In lugnet.technic, Kevin L. Clague wrote:
In lugnet.technic, Eric Sophie wrote:
Kevin, it looks like you are making strides to create a sound compressor. This
will be of great importance (of course) as this will be the heart of the beast.

Once this stage of the project is conqured, a major hurdle will have been
obtained. Good work.

Thanks Eric,

  I have a progress report, boss.... ;^)


  I have completed two compressors.  The first is basically a two large pump
compressor driven by two RC racer's motors (very powerful).  This compressor is
implemented with one large piston and two old-style pnuematics' "pneumatic
distribution bricks".  These bricks have a one way valve that makes the piston
behave as a pump.

  The second compressor is composed of 12 small pumps, implemented as two radial
compressors, each run by an RC racer motor.

That is so cool, we should leave the compressor exposed some how so it could be

*Ahem, carry on.

  The 12 small pumps to 2 large pump ratio is used to make an apples to apples
comparison of these pumps.  Six compressions of a small pump moves the same
volume of air as one compression of a large pump.

Plus is that sweet radial design x2!

*Ahem, yes.

  Mr. Pneumatics, Dr. C. S. Soh, has always been quite vocal about the
superiority of small pumps vs. large pumps.  He did static pressure comparisons
between a small pump and a large pump, each powered by a mini-motor.  His test
showed that the small pumps are superior.

Radially. (makes "OK" symbol with hands)

  For a long time, I've been a large pump fan, because it can move more air.
And of the compressors I made, the large pump versions pushed much more air at
operating pressure of the applications I was powering.

Right, hence the conumdrum.

  My two compressors were designed to do a fair comparison of capacity (the
amount of air moved at operating pressures).  I used my inchworm as the
pneumatic application.  It requires a lot of air and has high pressure

Plus its super cool!

*Ahem, yes, and?

  I've not done any serious measurement yet, but it is very clear to me that Dr.
Soh *is* absolutely correct. When running the large pump using RC racer motors
turning an 8T driving a 40T, and the small pump compressor at the same gear
ratio, (and the same battery packs), the motors turn faster with the small pump
compressor.  I didn't use a tachometer to measure RPM, but the motors are quite
loud, and whine at a frequency related to how fast the motor turns.  The whining
with small pumps was higher pitch than the large pumps.

  I changed the gear ratio to 24:40.  The small pump compressor motors ran at a
slower rate (understandable), but had no problem driving the inchworm.  The
large pump compressor could not run, because the motors did not have enough

  This tells me that the small pump compressor clearly superior.  It is my
belief that the small pump compressor is smaller, because the maximum torque at
any point in a rotation is only the torque needed to compress a small pump.  The
six small pumps are distributed across the 360 degrees of one turn.  The torque
needed to compress a large pump is much higher, and happens twice per rotation
of the compressor.

  One thing to note is that I finally have a compressor that can run the
inchworm faster than I can by pumping by hand.

  So, Dr. Soh, you were right all along.  Feel free to say "I told you so!"

Wait, but you did go back to the z8-z40 gear ratio right?
The z24 - z40 config can work, but a direct mate of the gears is, well,
unorthodox, depending. It could be mated one brick level forward with a couple
of z16's for a 1:1 ration before tranfering load to the z24 - z40, indirectly.

I'm just curious.

If the motor can handle it, then that's fine too.

I gotta show you a couple of tricks at BF.


P.S. The downside to this particular small pump design is that it is much larger
than the large pump design.  Now it is time to work on a non-radial design that
is smaller.  It will take more gears and therefore more loss, but will still be

Ok, but man I like that radial design.

*Ahem, I mean. Carry on.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: SSClagorpion - Compressor
(...) Thanks Eric, I have a progress report, boss.... ;^) I have completed two compressors. The first is basically a two large pump compressor driven by two RC racer's motors (very powerful). This compressor is implemented with one large piston and (...) (21 years ago, 31-Jul-04, to lugnet.technic)

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