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 Technic / 12584
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Re: SSClagorpion
Sat, 8 May 2004 18:38:34 GMT
15928 times
In lugnet.technic, Eric Sophie wrote:

Kevin, I just finished looking at the Leg designs you have made.

They are elegant as they are deceptively simplistic in their appearence.
Great Job.

You raise a good point.

When the hip sweeps, (heh heh) each leg left and right, you'll need ample
clearence to avoid collission with the other legs in the sideways motion.

This leads to a scale issue. Indeed, the room between each leg ends up making
the body quite sizable.

I started putting together the trusses needed to articulate the hip and hook two
hips together, and found that this leg design:

needed to be compacted.  I imagine the body truss made of long side rails, that
the hips connected to.  When I started to put the side rails on the above hip,
the rails were too far apart to do decent cross bracing.

I redesigned the hip structure and came up with this hip (front view)

and this view from the back:

I built two of the legs and hooked them together like this:

Giving this view from the outside:

The two legs are in different leg groups, so we can go through the walking
sequence for both groups giving us this picture:

Because of the camera angle and shadows due to flash, it is hard to tell when
legs are raised.  The leg lift is more clear in this picture:

Off to build two more legs to see what we end up with for total length of one
side from hip to hip.  I fear the scale is too large and that the legs will not
be structurally sound.  Only time will tell.



Message is in Reply To:
  Re: SSClagorpion
(...) Kevin, I just finished looking at the Leg designs you have made. They are elegant as they are deceptively simplistic in their appearence. Great Job. You raise a good point. When the hip sweeps, (heh heh) each leg left and right, you'll need (...) (21 years ago, 7-May-04, to lugnet.technic)

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