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Re: The Clague - Sophie Project
Mon, 12 Apr 2004 16:59:54 GMT
6267 times
In lugnet.technic, Mark Bellis wrote:
I have a plan in mind for a sidewinding snake.  It would be composed of 32
similar segments, each connected to the next by a pivot with two opposing
cylinders driving it.  The idea is that there is a main extended flip-flop of 8
variables, where each variable of the flip-flop controls every eighth segment,
so that four segments do the same thing.  The pivots move by +/- 45 degrees
relative to the next segment.

The snake begins in an M shape, with 'feet' on the underside of the five
straight segments in one direction only being on the ground, the other feet
being retracted.  Feet are only extended when the segment is in the correct
orientation and are retracted at other times.  They may be driven by small
cylinders and don't need to be monitored by switches.

It is possible that the opposing cylinder sets will be composed of four
cylinders - two set of two cylinders in series, such that when one pair are
extended and the other retracted, the two segments will line up straight,
However, this would need 128 cylinders and may extend the flip-flop to 16
variables, requiring 16 lots of several switches!

Once the snake will sidewind, the next challenge is to get its head to keep
pointing the same way all the time.  I think a car tyre air compressor (set to
25-30psi) is a prerequisite!

This'll keep Kevin busy for weeks! :-)

I was presuming that I'd have 6-8 segments, where each segment (except the last)
has two pistons, and four switches (at least).  Given how large inchworm is,
getting any larger would make it difficult to transport.

Inchworm took me about four hours to come up with a good geometry for a segment,
then about an hour to replicate all the segments, and an hour to hook up (if
this were electronics I'd say wired up, but since this is pneumatics should I
say hosed up?)  It took me years to figure out how to do the circuit analysis
that would let me know for sure it would work on paper before I built it.

I have to sort out one primary question:  Can I get both pistons onto one
segment *and* make the connection to the next segment a single joint with two
degrees of freedom, or will I have to have two joints?

The circuitry design is a piece of cake.



Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The Clague - Sophie Project
(...) A sidewinding snake I saw on TV was in an M shape, with effectively two feet on the ground all the time. You'll have to synchronise four segments for each advancement of the 16-stage flip-flop! This is gonna bankrupt you and outstock TLC of (...) (21 years ago, 13-Apr-04, to lugnet.technic)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The Clague - Sophie Project
(...) I have a plan in mind for a sidewinding snake. It would be composed of 32 similar segments, each connected to the next by a pivot with two opposing cylinders driving it. The idea is that there is a main extended flip-flop of 8 variables, where (...) (21 years ago, 12-Apr-04, to lugnet.technic)

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